About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Independent author and amateur beefcake

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gods of Gotham - Fifty Shades Of Grey

I'm back, was hanging out on tumblr for a bit, like it but don't love it, and since nobody followed me I decided to return to my roots.

Right now I'm reading "Gods Of Gotham" by Lindsay Faye.  It reminds me a lot of the Alienist, by Caleb Carr, if you haven't read that one go on and get it, so much so that you might have to fight me over the only copy the bookstore has, if indeed there is only one copy.  I need to read that book again, for sure.

Similar theme going on betwixt the two, early New York history, on the bubble of using modern-ish detective skills to hunt down a serial killer.

Next, after I've finished this one, and written the proper review for you all, I'm going to get my sweet tooth all horned up by reading 50 Shades Of Grey.  It's a cultural turning point when a book about BDSM and who knows what, seriously I'm not sure, hits the top of the best seller list.